The Power of a Good Hair Day

I’m not one who puts a lot of effort into styling my own hair. I usually get haircuts that are low maintenance because I don’t like spending a lot of time getting ready in the morning. And for as long as I can remember, I convinced myself that I lacked the ability and creativity to do my own hair.

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A Strange Sense of Entitlement?

This is what I presume happened before I walked into yoga class: A man set up his mat in the corner of the room closest to the door. When he stepped away, a woman moved his mat and set hers down in his place. Then, she stepped out of the room. The man comes back confused as to why his mat has moved.

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A Monument for the Anxious and Hopeful

A couple of weeks ago, I took a spontaneous trip to the Rubin Museum. I had a couple of hours to kill before a lunch meeting in the Chelsea area. I looked online for things to do in the neighborhood and decided to get some culture while I waited.

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