Dance Like No One is Watching (Part 2)

Last year, I wrote a blog post called "Dance Like No One is Watching." I was recently reminded of that expression when I saw a friend's Instagram post. It was a video of a little kid dancing, and in the background was my friend doing the same thing. They were both getting down and from the smiles on their faces you knew they were having fun.

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That Peloton Ad

Like millions of people, I watched that Peloton ad where a husband gifts his already fit-looking wife a Peloton exercise bike. Many were outraged while others made jokes because you’re not supposed to give an exercise-related gift to a woman. The ad did not upset me though. If anything, I thought, what’s the big deal?

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The Zen of Bootcamp

With the high intensity of bootcamp, Zen probably doesn’t come to mind. I'm used to the grounding, calm nature of yoga and normally wouldn't think of bootcamp in the same way. But I am experiencing Zen in my new workout.

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I Wish I Cooked Like My Mom

I wish I cooked like my mom. Now that I’m older and she is no longer around, I wish I had paid more attention when she cooked. She tried teaching me and my sister. She had us help her in the kitchen, preparing, mixing and stirring, and making sure food didn’t burn.

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When Everything Falls into Place

In my last blog post, “Manifestation Through Mindset,” I mentioned how I had two job interviews in one week. I thought both interviews went well and that I had a good chance of getting an offer.

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