In Every Ending, a New Beginning

Having lived in Georgia for a little over a decade, I return to visit my “second home” when I can. My most recent trip to Atlanta was so much fun. I flew in from New York on a Thursday night and my fiance, Alex drove down from Cincy on Saturday.

The Buddy Prince roll… my fave.

During this trip, I planned two small group gatherings: karaoke night and lunch at one of my favorite sushi restaurants. These get-togethers were the best way for me to see as many people as I could in a short amount of time. And, they were opportunities for my friends and Alex to meet each other.

The trip also gave me and Alex some face-to-face time. We’ve been in a long-distance relationship for about a year and a half, so it’s nice whenever we can be together in the same geographic location. We last saw each other over the holidays, but you know how chaotic that time of the year can be.

Since it was Alex’s first time in Atlanta and meeting my friends, I didn’t want to overwhelm him or plan too much. We spent the rest of our time – just the two of us, driving around, exploring North Georgia and enjoying the scenic views, and each other’s company.

This is Helen, a mountain town in NE Georgia.

Goodbye Again

I had a beautiful visit, but it was time to say goodbye again. Goodbye to my fiance… to my friends… and to a city I considered home for a long time. As I headed to the airport by myself, I started to cry.

Fond memories of my time living in Atlanta added to the mix of emotions. I reminisced about my first apartment and the freedom I felt shortly after separating from my now ex-husband. I thought about my friends and how I missed hanging out with them.

In that moment I missed my previous life, yet I felt grateful. Thankful that I got to see my friends and how welcoming they were of Alex. Grateful that Alex rented a truck (in case of bad weather) and drove over 7 hours just so that we could be together for a couple of days. Thankful that we got to explore a part of Georgia that was new to both of us.

It was in my gratitude, that I realized I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

My Journey of Personal Growth

I was already on a path of personal development when I was living in Atlanta, but my move back to New York provided a new and different layer of growth.

Looking back, you could say I was going out a lot, maybe keeping myself busy for the sake of being busy and to distract myself. There is something different in the way I spend my free time now.

Following my move back to New York, I was drawn to webinars, online classes, podcasts and learning more about relationships and self-love. It led me to attend seminars and workshops, sometimes out of state, that I may not have sought if I were still in Atlanta. And though it’s something I had talked about, it wasn’t until well after my move that I started this blog.

In every ending is a new beginning. While it may be goodbye to my previous life, it is also hello to new experiences and hopefully an even better version of myself. In the case of Atlanta, my friends and my beloved, it’s not really goodbye, it’s “until next time.”

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