Planting the Seed

One Sunday, as I was getting ready for church, I noticed a white dandelion puff drifting outside my bathroom window. Then during mass, I saw one floating inside church. Moments later, I noticed a woman a couple of rows in front of me wearing a blouse with a dandelion pattern on it.

When I see or hear something three times within a short period, I take it as a message or a sign.

When I asked myself what these dandelion spottings signified, it made me think of something my fiance, Alex has said several times. It’s about “planting the seed.”

As you may already know, those white fuzzy dandelion puffs are seeds. The wind carries them away and if it lands in the proper conditions, can grow into a new dandelion flower.

For anything to grow, you must first plant the seed. Similarly, in order to meet a goal, one must make the first step towards achieving said goal. You have to start somewhere. You have to plant the seed.

For example, if you’re looking for a new job, planting the seed could mean letting people know of your job search, networking, getting informational interviews, volunteering to get experience in a new field, or simply applying for a job.

These dandelion spottings served as a reminder for me to start planting the seeds for my goals. It reminded me to take action, rather than passively waiting and expecting to see something from nothing. It’s after I plant the seed, that I wait (patiently) for the flower (or goal) to bloom. But, in order for something to bloom, I must first plant the seed.

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