The Joy of Showing Up

In a previous blog post, “Sometimes The Hardest Thing is Just Showing Up,” I talk about having the courage to show up to new experiences. As a result of having the courage, there is also joy in showing up.

On Saturday, I hiked the Trail View State Park in Long Island with a Meetup group. It was my first time at this park and my first-time hiking with this group.

The Right Mindset

When I’m in the right mindset, I am open to trying new things and meeting new people without overthinking it. When I’m not open, however, I can find a reason and easily talk myself out of doing something.

Fortunately, on my way to this hike, I didn’t overthink it; even when I was running late and became a little anxious as I hit traffic on the way there. I was concerned that I might miss the group and not be able to catch up with them. I could have turned around, but I didn’t. When I finally arrived, I was relieved to see they hadn’t started yet.

I expected a much larger group – more than the 20 or so that showed up. Personally, I prefer hiking in smaller groups, so this was a manageable number for me.

We hiked in wooded area most of the time with the trees providing shade and protecting us from the sun. Still, it was hot and humid, and I sweated profusely – yet it felt so good!

The Joy of Showing Up

Being in nature, surrounded by beauty and breathing in fresh air is always a welcome experience for me. As much as I enjoy hiking, I don’t do it often enough.

During Saturday’s hike, there were many moments when I appreciated the beauty and was present with my own breath. Though there wasn’t anything that particularly stood out in the landscape and wooded walking trails, it was beautiful, nonetheless. The scenery was pretty, the bugs weren’t overbearing, and I got a workout. I also had just enough social interaction, getting to know some of the other hikers that I didn’t feel anti-social or overly stimulated. Everyone was pleasant, seemingly positive and easy going, and we even shared some laughs. It was a win-win for me.

As I wrote in a previous blog post, having the courage to show up has resulted in personal growth, fun and new experiences. I have also found joy just by showing up. My Trail View hike was no different. I finished the hike feeling rejuvenated, grateful and happy that I showed up.

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