Manifestation Through Mindset

I believe I block myself from manifesting because of indecisiveness and fear. How can I get what I want when I lack clarity or am sending mixed signals? I’m learning that mindset, among other things, is key to manifestation.

Resisting Change

I’ve been comfortable staying in New York although I’ve been in a long-distance relationship for the last two years. It hasn’t been financially feasible to relocate and to be honest, I just wasn’t ready to move again. Some may argue that it may never be the right time, you may never feel ready and you just have to go for it. Though I agree to an extent, I don’t think you can force your journey.

As much as I have learned to embrace change, I still resist it at times. When I resist, it’s usually fear-based. In this case, it was a fear of losing myself, my routines, leaving my family, etc. Fear and attachment made it easier to stay in the familiar.

I’m not sure what’s different, but I feel ready for a change now. I’ve become more decisive about what I want, rather than wishy-washy (though I masked it as “going with the flow”).

Make a Decision and Set a Goal

My friend suggested that I set a goal and put a time frame for meeting it because without a time frame, it’s less likely the goal will be met.

Since the beginning of summer, I have been focusing my efforts on finding a new job in Cincinnati so I can move by the end of September. My previous, less serious efforts over the past year didn’t seem to get me anywhere, but my renewed commitment to this goal has me making progress.

What changed? I made the decision that I really wanted to find a job in Cincinnati and relocate. That decision helped me take proper action, and I put more time and effort in my job search.

I even had one interview where it sounded like I was going to get an offer, but the position got put on hold. Honestly, I wasn’t excited about that job. I was just happy that I got an interview. Thankfully, I had other leads and that gave me hope.

Have the Right Mindset

Rather than getting stuck in thinking that finding a job is so hard or that I have to settle for whatever I can get, I began to change my mindset around my job search. This was a challenge especially when I applied to so many jobs and all I got were rejection emails or no response at all.

I was reminded of my strengths and accomplishments when I found an old file on my computer called, “Ask Others.” It was a questionnaire that I asked some of my colleagues to fill out after I was laid off in 2015. It was their assessment of my accomplishments, abilities, interests and values. Reading their responses inspired me and made me hopeful about finding my next job.

Pray and Be Grateful

I believed that my resume needed to get in front of someone who would be willing to give me a chance. I started to pray that my resume would get in front of the “right” person(s). Someone who would notice something that others might overlook.

I’m praying more in general – for others and myself. When I pray, I remember to be grateful for all my blessings. Through prayer, my faith, trust and hope have increased.

In the words of Paulo Coehlo, “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

Shifting my mindset, being more decisive, praying and being thankful have opened the door to opportunity. I believe practicing these things are key to manifesting.

I’m excited to say that just this week, I interviewed with two reputable companies. Though at the time of this writing I don’t have an offer yet, I remain hopeful, prayerful and grateful that the right job will manifest.

5 thoughts on “Manifestation Through Mindset

  1. And that’s what’s up. Proud of you my friend!

    P.S. you were actually listening to me ☺️

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