Dance Like No One is Watching (Part 2)

Last year, I wrote a blog post called “Dance Like No One is Watching.” I was recently reminded of that expression when I saw a friend’s Instagram post. It was a video of a little kid dancing, and in the background was my friend doing the same thing. They were both getting down and from the smiles on their faces you knew they were having fun.

Over the summer I was at a friend’s birthday gathering. We had brunch at a pop-up restaurant with a DJ and as the music played, people danced by their tables. I love to dance, but because I felt too self-conscious, I couldn’t get into it. If not for my overthinking, I might have joined in.

In contrast, about a week ago, I attended a Winter Ball to celebrate the holidays. This time, without reservation, I got up and joined a group of ladies on the dance floor while my fiance talked to his buddies. I had so much fun because I was not hung up on how I looked.

Dance like no one is watching means…

  • letting loose
  • not caring what others think
  • being less inhibited
  • having more fun
  • not worrying about looking silly
  • not overthinking
  • being free.

To dance like no one is watching is when I have the most fun and feel free. And who wouldn’t want that?

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