Manifestation Through Mindset

I believe I block myself from manifesting because of indecisiveness and fear. How can I get what I want when I lack clarity or am sending mixed signals? I’m learning that mindset, among other things, is key to manifestation.

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Mourning a Tree?

There was no ignoring the loud, buzzing chainsaw outside my house. City workers (I’m guessing) were trimming the branches of the big tree in front of my home. I assumed it was to keep them clear of the power lines.

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The Joy of Showing Up

When I’m in the right mindset, I am open to trying new things and meeting new people without overthinking it. When I’m not open, however, I can find a reason and easily talk myself out of doing something.

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Planting the Seed

One Sunday, as I was getting ready for church, I noticed a white dandelion puff drifting outside my bathroom window. Then during mass, I saw one floating inside church. Moments later, I noticed a woman a couple of rows in front of me wearing a blouse with a dandelion pattern on it. When I see or hear something three times within a short period, I take it as a message or a sign.

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When Time Heals

An acquaintance asked me if I didn't think it was too soon to be engaged after getting a divorce. I don't think so. It's been four years since my divorce, but there is something more important than the amount of time that has passed.

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