Create Abundance By Changing Your Inner Monologue

According to the law of attraction, we manifest what we focus on, whether positive or negative. Our inner monologue influences the life we create, so be aware of what you say and how you talk to yourself. Is your inner voice encouraging and supportive or critical and self-sabotaging?

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When Opportunity Knocks

Typically referring to employment, an opportunity is a chance to make (more) money, to do something you enjoy, or to experience something new. When opportunity knocks, do you say yes or no to it?

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Covering Up My Gray Hair

I got my first gray hair when I was in high school. The few gray strands didn't faze me back then. Now that I'm getting a lot more grays, its more noticeable. I color my hair more frequently, but I'm on the fence about continuing to cover up my gray hair.

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Protect Your Energy

Have you ever noticed how someone's genuinely good vibes and happy demeanor is infectious? Or how uplifting and inspiring it is to hear about acts of kindness or to be around people who laugh and have a grateful attitude? Likewise, being exposed to the news or to someone who constantly complains, has a pessimistic outlook, or is mean-spirited feels draining.

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A Profound Experience with Synchronicity

Have you ever thought of someone right before he or she called or texted you? Or maybe something happened that made you feel like you were in the right place at the right time. That’s synchronicity. A term first coined by Carl Jung to describe meaningful coincidences in our lives.

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