Decluttering and Making Room

Are you running out of space in your home? Are your closets overflowing and dresser drawers jampacked? Do you have piles of stuff on the floor? What if the lack of space is keeping you from attracting that special someone? With all the clutter, maybe you don’t have room in your life for a partner. There is literally no space for someone to occupy. 

Feng Shui To Attract Abundance

I’ve heard that decluttering and using the principles of Feng Shui may help to attract love. Decluttering can also create more abundance in other areas such as career and finances. The Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui creates a balanced flow of energy in your home through the placement of objects. For example, displaying artwork in the bedroom of romantic images that depict love (rather than lonely images) is supposed to help attract a partner if you’re single.

Decorating your room’s love corner (which is in the far-right-hand corner when entering the door) with pairs of romantic items like a pair of candles is recommended. And, since clutter blocks the flow of energy, it makes sense to clear it to create a more balanced flow.

Regardless of whether or not Feng Shui works, it doesn’t hurt to declutter and create more space. Clutter feels heavy, creates tension, and is distracting. I am no stranger to clutter, yet no matter how much I get used to it or ignore it, it is draining.

Learning to Let Go

While decluttering is a chore, I feel better when I do it. In general, a tidy and organized home makes me feel lighter and more at ease. Letting go of things that no longer serve me also creates a sense of freedom.  It’s also easier to maintain a decluttered space than starting over.

Letting go of items can be a challenge, though. Maybe you like or are just attached to everything you own. Or, perhaps decluttering seems like an overwhelming task, and you don’t know where to start. There are a lot of books and resources for people who want to clear their clutter. One is Marie Kondo, an author and tidying expert who suggests keeping what sparks joy and letting go of things that don’t.

If you’re single, making room in your home is a way of saying you’re ready to invite someone into your life. Making room is both symbolic and also creates an actual physical space for someone.

Mindset Matters Too

Of course, there’s more to attracting the right partner than simply clearing out some space in your house. Mindset is one of them. Believing or saying that there are no good guys out there, dating is so hard, or that you’ll never find someone tends to create experiences that only reaffirm those beliefs. Those types of beliefs can hinder us. It would better serve us to replace those kinds of thoughts with a more positive perspective. That said, I think the act of clearing physical clutter helps mental, emotional, and/or subconscious clutter too.

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