Covering Up My Gray Hair

I got my first gray hair when I was in high school. The few gray strands didn’t faze me back then. Now that I’m getting a lot more grays, its more noticeable. I color my hair more frequently, but I’m on the fence about continuing to cover up my gray hair. 

Besides not having the patience to maintain my hair color and highlights every other month (though my stylist does a great job), I’d rather not spend the money or expose myself to the toxins. I’ve also heard that by not coloring my hair, it will grow out thicker, look healthier, and won’t shed as much.

That said, I’m not ready to transition to gray yet. I’m concerned that growing my gray out will make me look older — something I’m not quite ready for. I’m not sure what the obsession is with youth and anti-aging. (That’s a blog post for another time.)

I admire the women I’ve seen on Instagram rocking their grays, but I don’t think I’ll look as cool as them. I’m also not ready for people’s opinions or comments whether supportive or critical. 

For now I will continue to color my gray hair. I’d like to stop when I turn 50. Assuming I don’t change my mind, will I have the courage to stop when that time comes? We shall see. If anything, I hope to more fully embrace the grays, as well as getting older.

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