Create Abundance By Changing Your Inner Monologue

According to the law of attraction, we manifest what we focus on, whether positive or negative. Our inner monologue influences the life we create, so be aware of what you say and how you talk to yourself. Is your inner voice encouraging and supportive or critical and self-sabotaging?

If you’re constantly thinking negatively, you risk creating more circumstances that reinforce the experiences you don’t want. Focusing on things you don’t want creates more of the same, whether it be debt and a lack of money, a bad (or no) relationship, or a toxic work environment, etc.

It’s not about avoiding or suppressing so-called negative emotions. It’s okay to feel sadness, grief, anger, etc., and it’s better to work through those emotions rather than avoid them. If you’re truly unhappy about something, those feelings can become a catalyst to make changes in your life.

Incorporate Gratitude

A scarcity mindset rooted in fear and lack cannot create abundance. Incorporating gratitude can help make that shift towards abundance. Transform feelings of desperation to gratitude by being grateful for what you have instead of anxious for what you don’t. Focus on having financial freedom rather than the debt itself. If you’re single, think of the type of person you’d like to attract rather than the traits you don’t want in a partner.

Be aware of your inner monologue and transform limiting beliefs into positive affirmations. Here are some examples of how to change a negative affirmation into a positive one.

  • Negative: I can’t believe I did that—I’m so stupid. Positive: I am learning from my mistakes.
  • Negative: I’ll never get married. Positive: I’m ready to attract the right partner for me.
  • Negative: I have too many bills and will never get out of debt. Positive: I have a continuous flow of income and am grateful I can pay my bills.
  • Negative: I hate my job. Positive: I’m good at what I do and am thankful to work with people who respect me.
  • Negative: I’m fat and I can’t lose weight. Positive: My body is beautiful and supports me.
  • Negative: I’m tired of being sick all the time. Positive: My healing is underway.

Most days, I start my day with positive affirmations. I typically choose a short morning affirmation meditation on Yoga by Kassandra’s YouTube channel. It’s a good way to set the day with positive intention. Listen to your inner monologue and how you talk to yourself. Be aware of what your inner voice says so you can create the life you want.

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