Am I Ready to Grow Out My Grays?

There’s a myth that you’re letting yourself go if you let your grays show. Or that you’re old or will look old. That was what I used to think whenever I noticed women letting their grays grow out. Now, I admire them as it’s not an easy thing to do. Women may opt to go gray to save time and money or to reduce the toxins from coloring and have healthier hair. Whatever the reason, I think it takes courage to embark on that journey. Am I ready to grow out my grays?

Many women stopped coloring their hair during the lockdowns. That probably would have been a good time for me to stop too, but I wasn’t ready then. When salons were closed, I contacted my former NY stylist, who mailed me an at-home kit, which provided 2-3 colorings in the meantime. 

Inspiration for Going Gray

I wrote a blog about Covering Up My Gray Hair around this time last year. I’ve wanted to let my gray hair grow out naturally for over a year. My fear of looking older and getting unsolicited criticism or negative feedback has prevented me. Then I found the private Facebook group called, The Gray Book – Inspiration for going gray! that has inspired and motivated me to try. I joined the group in July, shortly after my last root touch-up (when I convinced myself I still wasn’t ready). Women sharing their pictures and stories of their gray journey are daily reminders that I’m not alone. It has changed my perception of gray hair. They’ve helped to normalize going gray and make the decision to try a little easier.

Photo of my gray hairs

While my gray hairs aren’t abundant, I do get a little self-conscious when I pull my hair back, part it to the side, or push them behind my ears since most of my grays reside along my hairline and sideburns. I’m hoping they look like silver highlights as they grow out more. I thought it would be better to start this process before my entire head turns gray so that the transition would look and feel less drastic or off-putting compared to a dramatic demarcation line against my naturally dark hair.

The Gray Book has been a blessing and is helping me to embrace my gray hair more. No matter how early or far along you’re in your gray journey, whether you go cold turkey or continue to color, everyone in the group is supportive. 

I didn’t color my grays at my last appointment, but I am still highlighting my hair to blend them in. We’ll see how it goes as I get further along in my gray journey.

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