What I Wear Can Influence How I Feel About Myself

Looking stylish comes naturally for some, but not so much for me. I admire those who seemingly put together cute outfits with ease. They seem to wear the perfect attire whatever the occasion. I find it’s time- and energy-consuming because it's not as easy for me. With some effort, I can put together a cute outfit, but I usually end up wearing the same things again and again. I don’t spend a lot of time styling myself, even though what I wear and how I look can influence how I feel about myself.

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Why I Wouldn’t Want to Work from Home Every Day

Working from home has its benefits – no doubt. From no commute to flexibility, productivity and convenience. It has become ever more popular and common since COVID. It may not be for everybody though. Depending on who you ask they may love it. As someone who has worked remotely before, I prefer going into an office and seeing people in person.

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