Advice to Slow Down

Trying to get as much done as possible, I rush from one thing to the next. That was me a couple of weeks ago when I was preparing for a training event at my job. The day before the training, I rushed to finish setting up the room with my coworkers, only to hurry out of work to get to my hair appointment on time. On my way to the salon, I had a pre-scheduled call to catch up with a relationship/life coach I had not spoken to in years. Even the call felt rushed as I tried to quickly summarize the past five years since we last spoke while navigating rush hour traffic. She listened and asked some questions. Her advice to me? Slow down.

Slowing Down in Decision Making

Her reason for slowing down was to be more in tune with myself and to better connect to my intuition.

Whether I take it easy or hurry can influence decision-making. If rushing were likened to chaos and slowing down to stillness, which environment would be better for making a decision? For me, better decisions are made by being still and pausing before reacting. Sometimes we need to make quick decisions, but whenever possible, not rushing makes for better choices, in my opinion.

Constant Rushing Can Be Overwhelming

Picture of candles and incense

Not everything is in a hurry. Sometimes things seemingly move slower than I would like. Yet, I have gone through periods when I was constantly busy doing something. Like when I enjoyed the freedom I felt after my divorce. Though I was having fun, I was likely distracting myself or keeping from feeling bored.

Constant rushing or busyness can be overwhelming, creating anxiety and pressure on oneself. Perhaps better planning could resolve that.

Occasionally I squeeze one too many things into my schedule where I have something to do or somewhere to be every night of the week. In general, I do what’s within reason. Otherwise, it would drain me.

While there are instances when I am ambitious with my time, I know I don’t have to rush everything. I remember to take it easy, rest, and slow down.

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