I Never Thought of Myself an Athlete

I never thought of myself as an athlete. Not when I trained to walk a marathon or walked/ran countless 5Ks, or when I started hiking and did close to 50 hikes with the Atlanta Outdoor Club. Not even when I joined a boot camp and went consistently for 6 months. 

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Matching Other’s Energy

Depending on the circumstances and my mood, I tend to respond with the same energy I'm being met with. It is easy to be cheerful when someone is being pleasant. It can be just as easy to respond rudely to someone with an attitude. In some instances, matching other's energy may establish a connection or show empathy. At other times it takes away your power and affects your internal peace by bringing you down.

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I Skated in the Reds Opening Day Parade

Who doesn’t love a parade? Parades are fun and bring joy. I was excited to be part of the Reds Opening Day Parade with Skate Downtown Cincy. While it wouldn’t be our first parade (my husband and I were in the BLINK parade two years ago), the Opening Day Parade would be our first time skating in one! Though excited, as someone still new to street skating, I was on the fence about skating in a parade.

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An Exercise in Finding the Good

Sometimes someone or something about them gets to me. It may be a character flaw, something negative I perceive about them through social media, an incident that may have offended me, or possibly even jealousy. Or maybe others' shortcomings remind me of my own. Whatever the reason for my annoyance, I don't want to waste my energy hating on someone. As much as I'd like to not care about someone else's personality or behavior, it's not always easy to ignore. Not wanting to be a hater, I thought of an exercise in finding the good in people. Seeing the good in someone helps me from being too critical.

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How I Prepared for a Ride I Was Dreading

As much as I love bicycle riding, I wasn't looking forward to a 46-mile ride that my husband and I signed up for over the summer. The distance, while it would be the farthest ride to date, didn't bother me, but the idea of climbing hills did. Dreading the four climbs on the route wasn't helpful, so I thought of ways to prepare for this ride and improve my outlook.

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