Am I Ready to Grow Out My Grays?

There's a myth that you're letting yourself go if you let your grays show. Or that you're old or will look old. That was what I used to think whenever I noticed women letting their grays grow out. Now, I admire them as it's not an easy thing to do. Women may opt to go gray to save time and money or to reduce the toxins from coloring and have healthier hair. Whatever the reason, I think it takes courage to embark on that journey. Am I ready to grow out my grays?

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Why Riding a Bicycle Is the Best Thing I Never Wanted to Do

As an adult who didn’t know how to ride a bicycle, previous experiences and fear kept me from wanting to learn. I had convinced myself that riding a bike was something that would be nice to know, not a “must know.” I had done without thus far, so did I really need to learn? If not for my husband’s encouragement (and nudging), I’m not sure I ever would have. Three months ago, I was Learning to Ride a Bicycle as an Adult. Surprisingly, riding a bicycle is the best thing I never wanted to do.

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Learning to Ride a Bicycle as an Adult

Growing up, I was embarrassed to admit that I didn't know how to ride a bicycle. It was embarrassing not being able to do an activity that seemingly anyone and everyone could do. I didn't think I would be learning to ride a bicycle as an adult.

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Covering Up My Gray Hair

I got my first gray hair when I was in high school. The few gray strands didn't faze me back then. Now that I'm getting a lot more grays, its more noticeable. I color my hair more frequently, but I'm on the fence about continuing to cover up my gray hair.

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Make Gratitude a Daily Practice

With another Thanksgiving behind us, this is a reminder to be grateful each day and not just on Thanksgiving. Make gratitude a daily practice. When we appreciate what we have, we open ourselves to more things to be thankful for.

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