Be Thankful, Be Happy

The Greek philosopher, Epictetus said, “He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.”

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God’s Presence

God’s presence is in every moment and His love is in all situations. That was the message of last Sunday’s sermon. It isn’t always obvious especially in difficult and trying times, but it's there if you look. 

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Taking Stock of My 2017

As 2017 ends, I imagine it’s normal to reflect and take stock of the past year. Perhaps it’s my way of measuring progress by asking myself, “what does my life look like compared to a year ago?”

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A Month of Jiu Jitsu: How My Attitude and Perspective Affected the Experience

I started off enthusiastic. Granted, I was a little nervous being a newbie, but I felt motivated. I had to get used to the warm up drills and calisthenics. After running several laps around the room, we formed two lines to do warm up movements. In the beginning, these drills were a little unsettling to me. I don’t consider myself out of shape, but it was a challenge trying to keep up and catch my breath.

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A Student of Practical Philosophy

After I moved back to New York last year, I was in search of new things that would enhance my life. I wanted to get involved in something that would expand my knowledge and help me to connect better.

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