My Cycling Growing Pains

Sometimes, I have to remember to give myself props for my progress since learning to ride a bicycle two years ago. I went from a recreational and casual rider who used to think 10 miles was far to riding with a slightly faster group and completing my first metric century. 

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A Year of Firsts

Reflecting on the past year, I would describe 2023 as a “Year of Firsts.” Mostly related to my hobbies, there were things I tried or achieved for the first time. Whether they were bike riding events, traveling to new locations, or just trying new eateries (like a revolving sushi restaurant), I am glad to have experienced these things.

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Within Adventure Is an Opportunity to Adjust

A bicycle ride can be an adventure, especially when exploring a new area. Within an adventure is an opportunity to adjust -- something I learned about my expectations, reaction, and attitude during a casual group ride.

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What Does Jealousy Reveal About You?

What does jealousy reveal about you? When the answer isn't obvious, you may need to delve deeper. Jealousy may arise when you compare yourself to others. If you've ever felt jealous, it was likely because someone had something you didn't. What was it? Was it their appearance, a material possession or money, a skill or talent, a job or other opportunity, a relationship, or something else?

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Why Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Is Worth It

While we may be creatures of habit and routine, it's worth stepping out of your comfort zone now and again. Doing something that pushes you beyond your comfort zone enhances personal growth, creates rewarding experiences, and keeps life from being boring.

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