Why Riding a Bike Has Been Enlightening

Being immersed in new experiences can be scary and challenging, yet exciting and invigorating. As someone who just started riding a bicycle two months ago, my journey has been emotional and enlightening. Learning to ride and riding in itself has made me more aware of how I react when I'm stressed or anxious, my resistance and mental blocks, and my thoughts. It's also helping me to face my fears and build confidence.

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Learning to Ride a Bicycle as an Adult

Growing up, I was embarrassed to admit that I didn't know how to ride a bicycle. It was embarrassing not being able to do an activity that seemingly anyone and everyone could do. I didn't think I would be learning to ride a bicycle as an adult.

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Why People Ghost

According to Google Dictionary, ghosting is "the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing all communication." I admit, I've been on both the giving and receiving end of ghosting.

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My Ego Is Holding Me Back

In my friend Cheli’s Inspired Mondays post, “Ego Vs. Creativity,” she advises, “Don’t be your own obstacle.” She also explains how “the Ego thrives on labels” and how it "ultimately ‘dumbs’ down authentic self expression and creativity.”

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