House Hunting

House hunting was more fun when we first started looking. While it can still be fun, searching for a house is also tiring and, at times, disappointing.

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Details Are Important

Details are important even if you're into the "bigger picture" and don't care about the particulars. Although the technicalities may be boring, attention to detail is necessary at work. In event planning, for example, the specifics must be accurate for a smooth and successful event.

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When Anxiety Becomes an Issue

Having some anxiety is a normal stress response. As I wrote in a previous post, A Monument for the Anxious and Hopeful, feeling anxious often reflects something that hasn't happened yet and reveals our general outlook on life. It helps if you can calm yourself, but if you're afraid of something going wrong or focus on the worst, you might imagine how this increases anxiety.

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Advice to Slow Down

Trying to get as much done as possible, I rush from one thing to the next. That was me a couple of weeks ago when I was preparing for a training event at my job. The day before the training, I rushed to finish setting up the room with my coworkers, only to hurry out of work to get to my hair appointment on time. On my way to the salon, I had a pre-scheduled call to catch up with a relationship/life coach I had not spoken to in years. Even the call felt rushed as I tried to quickly summarize the past five years since we last spoke while navigating rush hour traffic. She listened and asked some questions. Her advice to me? Slow down.

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Are You Giving Up Too Soon?

Have you ever tried a new activity or hobby you weren't good in? How long did it take to decide if it was worth continuing? Did you give yourself enough time to learn and improve, or did you give up too soon?

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