The Four Horsemen of Relationships

It wasn’t until long after my divorce that I would learn about The Four Horsemen by the Gottman Institute. The Four Horsemen (as in the Apocalypse) is a metaphor to describe communication styles that can predict the end of a relationship. They are: criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling.

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Weight Is Not Just a Number

Weight is not just a number. It’s whatever meaning you give that number. Unfortunately, I place too much weight on my weight. (Forgive the pun.)

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What Is a Reasonable Response Time?

I’ve reached out to many vendors about their availability and rates for my wedding. While some have been more responsive than others, several haven’t responded at all. That concerned me and made me question...what is a reasonable response time?

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Digital Hoarding Is a Thing

I grew up in a family that accumulated possessions and saved everything. That hoarder mentality stemmed from scarcity and a mindset of “I’ll keep it just in case… because you never know when you’ll need it." But who knew that in addition to hoarding physical items, there’s such a thing as digital hoarding?

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I Wish I Cooked Like My Mom

I wish I cooked like my mom. Now that I’m older and she is no longer around, I wish I had paid more attention when she cooked. She tried teaching me and my sister. She had us help her in the kitchen, preparing, mixing and stirring, and making sure food didn’t burn.

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