Advice to Slow Down

Trying to get as much done as possible, I rush from one thing to the next. That was me a couple of weeks ago when I was preparing for a training event at my job. The day before the training, I rushed to finish setting up the room with my coworkers, only to hurry out of work to get to my hair appointment on time. On my way to the salon, I had a pre-scheduled call to catch up with a relationship/life coach I had not spoken to in years. Even the call felt rushed as I tried to quickly summarize the past five years since we last spoke while navigating rush hour traffic. She listened and asked some questions. Her advice to me? Slow down.

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How Can You Be Happy If You’re Always Complaining?

We’ve all complained about something. Whether it be about a relationship (romantic, friend, relative, or colleague), a job, or whatever, it’s normal to vent, but when does complaining become too much? How can you be happy if you’re always complaining?

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When Opportunity Knocks

Typically referring to employment, an opportunity is a chance to make (more) money, to do something you enjoy, or to experience something new. When opportunity knocks, do you say yes or no to it?

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Weighing Your Options

A friend recently asked if I had advice for choosing between two things that have their set of pros and cons. I assumed it was work-related since she's currently looking for a job. Not knowing the context or what the choices were, I gave her general advice.

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Don’t Should Yourself

My former philosophy teacher used to say, “Don’t should yourself.” It sounds funny but is good advice. Something that I thought of when I read a passage of Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Yourself.

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