Sometimes the Hardest Thing Is Just Showing Up

I like challenging myself and trying new things. At times, I will try new activities by myself. Attempting something for the first time can be a little frightening because of the fear of the unknown. You don’t always know what to expect. Sometimes the hardest thing is just showing up.

Jiu Jitsu Newbie

Last month, I attended the Girls in Gis NYC event at the Renzo Gracie Academy. Girls in Gis is an organization that helps build and strengthen the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu community for females of all ages and levels. Their events offer an opportunity where females can teach and learn from each other.

I found out about the event on Facebook. I have never done Brazilian Jiu Jitsu before and I thought it might be fun. My boyfriend who has a background in Mixed Martial Arts also encouraged me to try it. I figured this would be a good introduction to the sport and being an all-girl event would make it a more comfortable space for me to learn. I didn’t really know what I was getting into and I’m glad I didn’t overthink it (something I tend to do). Otherwise, I may have found an excuse not to go. I just showed up. And, I’m happy I did.

I’m Not Alone

Of the one hundred females who attended, I was one of maybe a handful who were trying BJJ for the very first time. It was exciting and a bit scary, but everyone was very welcoming and supportive. Shama Ko who has been running Girls in Gis since 2010 reminded us newbies that everyone else in the room was new to the sport at one time and had the same trepidations when they first started.

We began doing calisthenics and drills to warm up. Afterwards, we partnered up and took turns trying out the various techniques that the instructors demonstrated. All the ladies I met were pretty cool. I got tossed around, but got my chance to toss them around too. It was exhilarating and it gave me a rush.

Showing up introduced me to an awesome community, taught me something new and I made some friends in the process. BJJ is something I want to continue learning. In fact, I am now doing a one month trial at a BJJ school near my home.

The Courage to Show Up

For me, having the courage to show up has meant personal growth, self-care, fun and pexels-photo-279470new experiences. In addition to trying BJJ, I’ve shown up to various meet ups by myself. When I lived in Atlanta, I joined a hiking group and I became a member of Toastmasters. In May, I attended a two-day personal development seminar called MOTU Summit in Vancouver by myself. I have found joy through new hobbies, activities and meeting new people just by showing up.

Sometimes the hardest thing is just showing up, but the more I show up to something new, the easier it gets. And, the benefits of showing up are priceless!

2 thoughts on “Sometimes the Hardest Thing Is Just Showing Up

  1. Awesome on trying jiu jitsu! Keep training and have tons of fun!

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