Protect Your Energy

Have you ever noticed how someone’s genuinely good vibes and happy demeanor is infectious? Or how uplifting and inspiring it is to hear about acts of kindness or to be around people who laugh and have a grateful attitude? Likewise, being exposed to the news or to someone who constantly complains, is pessimistic, or is mean-spirited feels draining.  

If you’re sensitive like me, you may be affected by the energy around you, both positive and negative. You’ll want to protect your energy from being negatively impacted by other people, the news, and even social media.

Things That Help Me Feel Grounded

You can limit the amount of news you consume (or avoid it altogether). Typically, the amount of news I watch is a balance between being informed but not overwhelmed. You can also choose the type of content and sources you read, listen to, or watch. Maybe you avoid those who are excessively negative. Certain situations and interactions, however, are not always in our control.

For me, it takes some effort to stay centered and unaffected by outside energies, attitudes, and moods. These are things that help me feel grounded:  

  • Make gratitude a daily practice.
  • Meditate. (I try to meditate for 15 minutes twice a day, but even 5 minutes helps me reset.) 
  • Say positive affirmations. 
  • Be in nature.  
  • Laugh.
  • Exercise.
  • Pray.
  • Rest and get a good night’s sleep. 
  • Breathe deeply.  
  • Eat a balanced diet.   
  • Earthing. (I use an earthing blanket, but you can also stand or walk barefoot on grass, sand, or dirt.) 

The Emotional Guidance Scale

In the book Ask and It Is Given, Learning to Manifest Your Desires, authors Esther and Jerry Hicks talk about the emotional guidance scale. At the top of the scale resides joy, love, appreciation, knowledge, empowerment, and freedom, while fear, grief, depression, despair, and powerlessness are at the bottom.

That’s not to say you can’t be sad, angry, or feel a certain kind of way at times. It’s normal to feel different emotions though I’d prefer to align higher on the emotional scale.

The authors suggest that our emotional state is connected to how and what we manifest. They offer 22 processes (exercises) to help raise our vibration and move up on the emotional guidance scale. If it’s true that we attract what’s in our vibrational range, then we’ll want to resonate higher, and in turn, protect our energy.

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