A Year of Firsts

Reflecting on the past year, I would describe 2023 as a “Year of Firsts.” Mostly related to my hobbies, there were things I tried or achieved for the first time. Whether they were bike riding events, traveling to new locations, going to spectator sports (like roller derby and cyclocross), or just trying new eateries (like a revolving sushi restaurant), I am glad to have experienced these things.

Cycling Events

Last year, the only cycling event Alex and I did was the Tour de Donut since I just started riding. This year would be our first time participating in other organized cycling events and bike tours, some of which meant traveling to new and scenic locations.

We partook in the Flat 50 (Decatur, IN), Vandalia Freedom Bike Tour (Vandalia, OH), Ohio Cursive (Ada, OH), Great Pumpkin Gran Fondo (Brookville, IN), Unity Ride (Lebanon, OH), and Bikes and Beers (Cincinnati). By participating in these events, I would be challenged physically and mentally. I would ride my farthest to date, 48 miles, in the Great Pumpkin ride, and also reach 1000 miles of riding, whereas last year, I recorded 287 miles of riding.

Riding Single Track

I found out about and signed up for a women’s beginners mountain bike clinic. It would be my first time riding single track. I had fun learning the basics of mountain bike riding (e.g., look ahead, cover the brakes, level pedal), and I am grateful to the instructors who helped me. A different experience than bike paths or road riding, mountain biking is exciting and nerve-wracking for its own reasons. With trees, rocks, roots, and drops around you, so much can distract (or intimidate) you, which is why they say look where you want to go. With Dawn’s coaching, I overcame literal obstacles. I would try it again if I ever get my own mountain bike.

Street Skating

While most of my summer focused on bike riding, I also roller skated. Until last June, I had only skated in indoor rinks, occasionally at the outdoor rink in Sawyer Point or on an outdoor sport court. This year, I tried outdoor street skating for the first time during Cincinnati’s Go Skate Day. More challenging than rink skating, street skating was an adventure to say the least.

With it being my first attempt, I immediately wished I tried skating outside previously so I would be more prepared. It was a bit rough, slow-going, and a learn-as-you-go experience. While everyone took off and skated on the street, I stayed on the sidewalk and path, comprised of mixed pavements like brick, concrete, asphalt, compacted gravel, etc. The road may have been smoother, but I didn’t feel comfortable skating in traffic. With the help of my husband, I learned to stagger my feet while keeping my knees bent to stay balanced as I adjusted to the varied terrain. I kept going and finished the route, albeit last. I have since skated outside several more times.

My First 5K in Years

I did my first 5K in years. Alex and I signed up to walk the Hungry Turkey 5K, the weekend of Thanksgiving. It was cold outside, but the commemorative jersey, the crowd, the finisher’s medal, and the post ride donut all served as motivation.

Exploring Islands

My husband and I also went on vacation to places I had not been to before: Put-In-Bay and Hilton Head Island. We took ferries to Put-In-Bay and Kelly’s Island and explored the islands on bike. On Hilton Head, we rode on the beach with its hard-packed sand, which was fun and relaxing.

All-in-all, 2023 has been a year of firsts, during which I experienced challenge, growth, and fun and celebrated personal victories. Here’s to more firsts in 2024.

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