Rest, or Get Forced to Rest

Winter is a season of resting. With less daylight and colder temperatures it’s a good time to slow things down. Rest is an essential self-care practice that we sometimes forget. If we don’t rest, we will eventually get forced to rest.

I like being active, and during the summer and fall months I was involved in several physical activities like bicycle riding, roller skating, and going to the gym. Wanting to stay active in the winter, I continue to roller skate and work out, and I have even ridden my bicycle a few times in colder temps.

A few weeks ago, I was feeling under the weather. I wasn’t sure if it was an allergic response to dust exposure or a cold, but my throat was sore, and I was coughing. Luckily, it wasn’t too bad, but I felt tired, and it kept me from being as active as I would have liked. I took a week off from physical activity to rest and recover.

feet up, relaxing

Now that I’m feeling better, I don’t want to overdo it. I can’t always be on the go, and getting sick gave me a reason to slow down, take care of myself, and rest. May this be a reminder to rest before I get forced to rest.

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